Age of wonders iii sale
Age of wonders iii sale

age of wonders iii sale

There are some nasty combos that I’ve found in my time with the skillset and part of my enjoyment of Planetfall is discovering more ways to mix and match factions with secret techs to maximize advantage. The abilities all feel unique to the Heritor skill tree and distinct from the others as well. Yeah, it’s some rather dark stuff, but it’s a great new addition to the original secret technologies. Those charges will also allow you to summon other units or unleash powerful attacks. The more essence you drain, the more charges you acquire, and the more powerful the abilities you are unable to unleash. Revelations introduces a new secret tech, Heritor, that is all about that drainage. Barely a valid complaint, but a man can dream for more, right? I definitely hope to see more. My only complaint is that after about 25 hours with the expansion, I’ve seen most, if not all, of them by now. These sites do provide a sense of wonder and because they’re semi-Choose-You-Own-Adventure, they’re also a bit replayable, too. So, if your only complaint about the base game was that there wasn’t enough world-building in Planetfall – and that’d be a pretty specific complaint…albeit a valid one – then Revelations finally delivers in that sense. There are over 30 different scenarios you’ll uncover and each of them unfolds over multiple turns, often providing you with a twist or turn to the narrative, and they usually reward you with items, mounts, and other stuff that you can only find at these sites. It’s clear that Triumph understood that, though, as they’ve added a gameplay element called “Anomalous Sites”, which are map features that you’ll send your heroes to in hopes of uncovering their secrets. If you never fired up the campaign, you’d miss a lot of context and world-building that you simply don’t get anywhere else.

age of wonders iii sale

Outside of that campaign was a different, significantly-less-fleshed-out story which was a true shame. Admittedly the campaign – while not amazing – is one of the better 4X campaigns I’ve ever played and it did a pretty good job of fleshing out the universe that Triumph Studios has created for this game. Fleshing Out the LoreĪn aspect of Age of Wonders: Planetfall that I felt came up short was lore and story elements outside of the campaign. Revelations is more of a good thing, which to me, is a great thing.

age of wonders iii sale

However, if you weren’t quite sold, I’m not so sure that Revelations has done enough to convince you otherwise unless you had a very specific complaint. Therefore, I feel compelled to tell you right off the bat that if you loved the base game, you’re going to like this expansion.


So, in the interest of full disclosure, it would have been very hard for Triumph to develop an expansion that didn’t appeal to me. But while someone else was likely porting the game to consoles, Triumph Studios was already plugging away at expansion material and we’re fortunate enough to see new content for my personal GotY before 2019 is over. Oh, that’s right, that’s because it really wasn’t that long ago that I was writing that review. It doesn’t feel like it was all that long ago that I was writing a review for the base game.

Age of wonders iii sale